It has been a long year; longer, tougher than I had anticipated and yet full of growth, self-inquiry, transformation, planting, connecting virtually, missing a hug, dedication, determination, elimination and constructing hope, positivity, nurturing where I need it the most. I have lost a dear friend, gained some more, learned new skills, cared for my loved ones, learned to be gentler. I have done a lot of reading and apparently a lot of writing as well – the 52 weekly blog posts mostly dedicated to seeking, resonating with sustainable solutions as I was inspired by the amazing works of so many others. I went back to review what I have persevered, and it has taken me to where I started but with a full new awareness on what I am to enjoy, to deliver, to be accountable for on a decade of Transformation.
The end of year post on Dec 29th 2019 was dedicated to New Decade of Possibilities and the unprecedented events of 2020 has paved a new decade where possibilities need to be transformed into actions. The past year has marked the tipping point for many industries, citizens as technology, design and human beings collaborate to redefine governance, creativity, manufacturing, and consumption in the times of Anthropocene.
Being ecological will require more emotional intelligence, the prerequisite of experiencing being in our bodies and being with nature and not just thinking about or reading and talking about the factoids. Being ecological is caring and we as humans are symbiotic in interaction with other symbiotic beings.
Denim`s Heartbeat talks about my trip to Kojima to visit Kapital and the fortune to meet Mr. Hirata; Kapital`s founder and tell him the story of Buldan. Reciting some memories that stay deep rooted and needs a little dusting every now and then. What makes denim so unique is its power, relentless creativity, timeless beauty, its storytelling and the passion and the will that the denim community has. What time is better than this new decade to collaborate to give denim and jeans the value they deserve and its heartbeat?
Denim in Dialogue presents that young consumers are demanding that the brands reflect, and support do good for the world and take a stand in the global issues of our time and they have a chance to be visible with their messages through what they choose to wear.
Time for Action on the Edge explores where creativity unleashes. For future success, businesses will need to move from innovating at a product or service level and innovate at a platform level. The traditional way of conducting business is producing diminishing earnings and the edge is where future possibilities could be discovered. Cutting costs and introducing marginally developed products and services will compensate short-term however working on the dynamics of the platform edge will reveal long-term benefits.
Designing with Nature considers collaborative, interactive, engaging practices where we all come to understand how much all is connected into our lives, how much we all are connected to one another and to the Earth with all that we eat, or wear will spearhead the transformation into the new decade.
Climate Positivity at Scale is dedicated to the Study Hall NYC conference and What Celine Seeman (the founder of Study Hall and The Slow Factory) says resonates strongly today “ What we need to do is expand. Expand our minds in thinking outside of the colonial mind-set. Austerity can never allow for the kind of imagination needed for us to creatively solve the climate crisis globally. We need to zoom out and look at the big picture in a holistic inclusive way, one that challenges the status quo but also dreams up to new possibilities.” Study Hall's Slow Factory Foundation is an amazing resource for circular systemic thinking in the fashion industry.
After a panel on the launch of SupplyCompass in London my thoughts that `the fashion companies who embraced digital solutions would not suffer from downfalls as much as the brick and mortars in the very near future` was unfortunately validated soon after as the impact of lockdowns took over in less than a months’ time. Digitalizing Fashion for Sustainability has proved to be inevitable.
I had a great time linking the Mushroom at the End of the World to the Curious Jeans which seeks sustainability insight. The quote from the book “In capitalist logics of commodification, things are torn from their life-worlds to become objects of change” and the Denim Curiosity Table that we have formulated at Soorty could help tell the story of manufacturing denim and jeans globally.
An inquiry from Konstantinos; my yoga teacher ; “What makes you joyous?” has been the core of The Joyous Edge blog post. The self-accumulation happens at the edge where risk adversity disappears, and all becomes possible. The edge enables diversity, creativity, progress and authenticity for the self and yet does not define a selfish act or ideation and the unequivocal self at the edge is free to grow and to connect.
Paul Polman on Twitter says “ Your choice and actions will define whether humanity faces dystopian catastrophe, or survives by demanding and building a restorative, regenerative world.
Harari says in his book “ The modern capitalist economy must constantly increase production if it is to survive, like a shark that must swim or suffocate. Yet it is not enough just to produce. Somebody must also buy the products, or industrialists and investors alike will go bust.”
Robert Brault enlightens “Enjoy the little things, for one day you may look back and realize that they were big things.”
I have inquired what makes us Autonomously Addicted through the wonderful reading of Autonomous; a book which Daniel Grushkin of BioDesign Challenge had suggested – and the reading has made me realize that what I build as an experience does not solely belong to me as I have inherited the traces of indigenous rituals, cultural embodiments, routines which have been enriched by technology, science and arts.
I had returned from a business trip on March 7th and we had gone into lockdowns and in the craze of keeping up with hygiene, adapting to zoom meetings, witnessing the Precarious breakdown of the supply chain of fashion where the work force in developing countries were abandoned; I now realize that I have strived to stay positive and rather self-observe and not surrender to fear and despair. “The industry`s growth was a panacea for the cheaper consumption and now the supply chain needs support. The time to present responsibility, ownership, trust and exercise Sustainability 101 and equanimity is today – not in 2025 and 2030.”
Meditation developed to be my Connected Pit Stop and Deepak Chopra`s share of a poem by Dr. Dhruv Chauhan came at a time when I needed it the most.
You are not necessary,
The air, earth and water and sky without you are fine.
When you come back, remember that you are my guests.
Not my masters.”
To my surprise Let`s not be sustainable was the blog post that received most views and it ended saying “We are only at the start of a challenging, rough ride and it is time for global collaborations on the supply chain to transform into real action, authorities to govern so that we initially save the industry to re-construct it to be resilient, efficient, not wasteful, value-driven, skillful, responsible, transparent to represent social and economic justice instead of being sustainable.”
The beautiful practices by Tara Brach has been a guide not only to self-scan but also relate to the industry practices I feel dedicated and compelled to Re-boot. Tara’s teachings blend Western psychology and Eastern spiritual practices, mindful attention to our inner life, and a full, compassionate engagement with our world. We have the possibility to re-design our future – with holistic value.
Recognize what is happening;
Allow the experience to be there, just as it is;
Investigate with interest and care;
Nurture with self-compassion.
More on 2020 blog summary will follow on next week`s blog but you are also invited to browse through the Journal section on Indigofriends website as well...